ENFPs + tattoos

Stereotypes are interesting. ENFPs are quite often stereotyped as creative and impulsive free spirits -- the perfect personality to explore the world of colorful self-expression that is tattooing. 

However, in my experience, ENFPs are less likely to get tattoos than some of their non-ENFP friends. (Of course, so, so much of this depends upon many different personal variables.) 

I think this comes down to the simple idea that ENFPs aren’t crazy about commitments, but other types, let's say INFJs for the sake of conversation (and since many ENFPs find themselves with INFJ best friends), become deeply passionate about particular beliefs of parts of their lives. Of course, I know ENFPs and INFJs with and without tattoos, but this is just a general observation. 

ENFPs: What do you think? Have you noticed this same pattern? 
Do you/do you want a tattoo? What of? 


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