10 Commandments of Myers-Briggs

**This list is simply a guideline inspired by things I've learned while studying Myers-Briggs (MBTI) for the past 6 years. I hope it helps you enjoy and understand Myers-Briggs personality theory even more! 

1. There is no such thing as a "bad type." No one type is better than another. 

2. "Sensing" is not synonymous with "stupid" or "shallow." 

3. Do not use your type as an excuse or justification for (bad) behavior. 

4. Your personality is innate. It does not change upon the day or situation. 

5. The 4 letters that make up your personality type are an elementary reflection of your cognitive functions. Cognitive functions are the real heart of Myers-Briggs. 

6. Allow people to be bigger and deeper than their types. You can becomes friends with someone of any type. 

7. Everybody is both has extroverted and introverted tendencies, intuitive and sensing tendencies, thinking and feeling tendencies, and judging and perceiving tendencies. Nobody is all of just one thing. People simply do not work that way. (On that note, people can be very logical and be a Feeler, or can be very sentimental and be a Thinker. Again, cognitive functions.) 

8. It is one thing to consider oneself torn in the beginning (e.g., ENxP, xSTJ, etc.), but that is not a real type. As all types are unique, one stack of cognitive functions will better describe you over another. Most types are even just one letter different have dramatically different values and thought processes. 

9. People of the same type may be quite different. Maturity, life experiences, and general personal development will tweak and grow them. Well-rounded people will act well-rounded.

10. The whole system is to recognize your strengths and your weaknesses in order to grow your strengths and overcome your shortcomings.


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